6 Websites Any Developer Should Be Addicted To


2 min read

KEEP LEARNING is the key to being a good developer.

To be the required developer for all of the IT/Tech companies, you must sharpen your skills as much as can especially we are in a period where technologies are getting developed very frequently.

So, instead of keep watching tutorials on YouTube or any other learning platform, you should put yourself in a real-world situation and familiarize yourself with solving problems, building platforms, innovating solutions.

We will list 6 websites, you as a developer should be addicted to instead of spending time on social media ๐Ÿ˜

All of the listed websites are providing a free plan.๐Ÿ˜‰

1- HackerRank

One of the greatest websites where you can learn, apply and test what you have learned in the same place. HackerRank provides also very high-quality certifications without forgetting their amazing coding competition. If you're about to pass a job interview, you should pass their Interview Preparation Kit, it will be so much helpful.

2- CodeSignal

Recently, a lot of companies are hiring candidates using CodeSignal. They are providing an amazing feature of Job Interview Practice which will help you a lot get familiar with technical job interviews. CodeSignal provides certifications too which has a very high value on the job market. Recently, Upwork has a deal with CodeSignal to pass tests for Upwork freelancers to give them badges proving they are qualified developers.

3- LeetCode

The most known programming practice platform, it contains tons of programming challenges and hundreds of problems waiting for you to solve which definitely will not just sharpen your programming skills, but also your problem-solving skills and logic.

4- CodeWars

Known as the richest platforms regarding the supported programming languages. It is an amazing place where you can sharpen your programming skills in a wide range of programming languages.


One of the fastest-growing communities, not only for developers but also for Data Scientists, Designers, and Quality Assurance. They also provide tutorials: Articles, Videos, and a Forum where you can interact with other members.

6- CoderByte

A very great place where you can learn new programming skills, compete in challenges and practice some real-world cases of job interviews. They do provide a free membership but with very limited features.

##BONUS While I was writing this article, I discovered an amazing YouTube channel NeetCode you should definitely watch their videos.

I will be so happy if you share with us any other websites that have not been listed in this article.

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